
'Tis all a chequer-board of nights and days
Where the destiny of men for pieces plays:
Hither and thither moves, and mates, and slays,
And one by one back in the closet lays.
- - Rubiyat of Omar Khayyam

Lia the most beautiful

Lia on expedition in GreeceLia is originally from Thessaloniki, Greece and came to the United States on a student visa to study Anthropology. I first met Lia when she was studying at Portales, NM. We both had similar interests in music, and had originally met through a local Texas-based email list dedicated to those with similar musical interests. After spending a year commuting back and forth between Portales and Dallas, a roughly 450 mile journey each way, Lia and I decided to get married. We were married in March 1999 at a small ceremony among friends at my mother's house. Lia prepared to start her Ph.D, and applied to several universities. In the end, she chose the offer from Southwern Methodist University since it was based in Dallas where I worked.

Lia inside the tombSince our marriage, Lia has continuously inched closer to completing her Ph.D. in Anthropology from SMU. During her stay at the university, she has now gone on four archaeological expeditions to Guatemala. The expedition itself has made some very important finds, and Lia has been instrumental in performing the local survey of the site to develop 3D maps of the area and former Mayan city using Geographic Information Systems (GIS).

Once Lia obtains her Ph.D, she is looking forward to either obtaining a job working with GIS for a Cultural Resource Management (CRM) company, or teaching anthropology and GIS classes. We are both looking forward to the possibility of children, but have decided to let nature and fate be the judge on whether or not that will happen.

Lia at the Toumba in Greece